Aug 10, 2013

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Couple’s Story Of Overcoming Infertility

Couple’s Story Of Overcoming Infertility

One Couple’s Story Of Overcoming Infertility To Start A Family

Are you having trouble starting a family? Many loving couples struggle to conceive. Stress and strain only add to the problem. I spoke with Amber about the issues she and her husband faced over several years trying to get pregnant. All she ever wanted was to be a mommy.

From the time she was a toddler, Amber cradled baby dolls in pink blankets. She spent hours feeding them from plastic bottles while lovingly singing lullabies. Of course, when she grew up and got married (she was a healthy 22 years old) getting pregnant and starting a family was the couple’s top priority.

She and her husband just assumed that becoming pregnant would be a natural progression of things; quick and easy. They were both young and healthy and couldn’t wait to start a family. Without revealing anything too intimate, she explained that they started actively trying for a baby on the honeymoon. But a whole year went by and, sadly, on their first anniversary, she still wasn’t pregnant.

The couple had routine physicals, and nothing seemed to be wrong. They were checked for the usual issues and nothing was found. That’s when they started in on the infertility merry-go-round, seeing one doctor after another. They spent the next several years exploring – and exhausting – every option. From IUI to IVF, they tried it all. By the time they were celebrating their fifth anniversary, they had become almost desperate. No doctor was able to tell them what was wrong, or how to fix it.

With each negative pregnancy test, Amber felt as if her self-worth was slipping away a little more. She wondered what was wrong with her. Even her strong marriage was becoming strained. She and her husband found, just as many couples facing infertility find, that intimacy had become a strictly timed and purposeful event, rather than a life-affirming, passionate connection between two people in love.

While they once would stroll hand-in-hand on the beach and dream about the baby who would soon join their family, Amber and her husband now spent their time working so they could budget every penny to pay for the next round of expensive fertility medicines. Their credit was ruined, emotions were raw, and they needed to find a solution.

What had started as an exciting and hopeful journey into the unknown had somehow transformed into a complex fight against nature, filled with pharmaceuticals, side-effects and frazzled nerves. Amber even started to question some of her core beliefs about being a woman and a mother. What was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she conceive?

One morning, while staring at yet another syringe, it struck her that her frustration, stress and desperation were crippling her on the inside. She considered the idea that maybe her body wasn’t “The Problem” in her pregnancy struggles at all. Could it be that her beliefs and moods had become obstacles on the path to motherhood?

Amber began doing some research on how beliefs and moods affect a woman’s ability to conceive. She came across an article about hypnosis for fertility, (note the replacement of the word “in-fertility” with “fertility”.) She learned how hypnosis had helped other women to conceive after many years of failed attempts at IVF and IUI.happyCouple

She and her husband wanted to know more. Could this be the solution they had been seeking? They scheduled an appointment with a qualified hypnotherapist and immediately felt safe and comfortable. During the first sessions Amber learned how to find the mind-body connection that she knew was missing. Her body was in rebellion, holding tightly to some mental and emotional stresses that were preventing her from becoming pregnant.

The sessions of guided meditation taught her how to tell her body that it was was ready for pregnancy. Amber’s experience is not unique. She began to unwind and calm the desperation. She told her husband that after only two sessions, she felt relaxed and renewed. She was able to let go, allowing her body to know that it was now OK to have a baby. She worked with her hypnotherapist to release stresses she didn’t even know she had! As she visualized conception and pregnancy, she was able to let go and allow her natural instincts to take over.

And her body began to respond. Just two months (4 sessions) after her first visit with her qualified hypnotherapist, she and her husband were delighted to get the positive pregnancy test they had been seeking all these years!

Now Amber and her husband finally have the child they’ve always dreamed of. They are planning to become pregnant again soon and Amber definitely plans to use the techniques they learned from their hypnotherapist as they continue to grow their family.


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